A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Oreos, how we love thee...

This month I have discovered a new appreciation for the oreo.  While in Virginia, Kyle & I had the limited edition 'Banana Split' oreo, which may sound slightly disgusting but is actually surprising delectable! Our second oreo experience was deep fried oreos, that's right you can actually make an oreo much more unhealthy than it already is!  

Deep Fried Oreos in all their glory (whipped cream & fudge for dipping)

A restaurant in Spokane actually sells deep fried oreos and I had my first one last night.  If you ever have the opportunity to try this delicacy, I would highly recommend it.  All Hail the Oreo!!

Here we are enjoying our deep fried oreos



Michelle said...

You should try dipping oreos in peanut butter too....delicious!

I'm Jennifer said...

good news, they just started selling them in Scotland a few months ago!