A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Off to Moscow

Yesterday we had the chance to head down to Moscow, Idaho and enjoy friendships I forged while attending the University of Idaho.  It's always a blessing to see great friends and watch as families grow with new spouses and children.  The weather was great, we got hot sunshine and an impressive thunderstorm to light up the palouse landscape.  I've posted some snapshots, here's a link to our web gallery.

Me with Russ and his daughter Rowan

Rowan enjoying chicken fingers and apple sauce

Left to right: Russ & Wendi (Sawyer t-3 months), Jason & Kaely, Me & Stacie

A quick historical note, Kaely and I have known each other since 3rd grade.  We shared all our schooling together, even battling thru our college mechanical engineering program!  It's always heartening to me to spend time with great friends.  It's similar to the feeling I get when coming back home after a long sojourn.  No matter how much time passes, it just feels right to be with the people to whom you're friendships are deepest.


1 comment:

the millers said...

Kyle & Stacie-
So good to see you guys and be reminded of old times! College was so fun, maybe some day we can turn the package into a commune and all live there with our families or maybe not! But it sure would be great to be able to see you guys on a regular basis! Good luck in Scotland! We will miss you!
Love- The Millers