A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Praise the Lord!


For those of you who had been praying for our house we want to let you know that we received an offer last night.  The inspection is scheduled for Wednesday and the closing date in early October.  Kyle & I are so thankful for all of your prayers and support through this difficult process.  We are SO thankful to have an offer and for Kyle to be able to start school without the burden of our house! God is so good.  

Since we've been here we've seen how true that really is. Our apartment is such an answer to prayer. It is in a great location, close to a park (for Deacon's many potty walks) and even has a piano!  Also, we've found a church that we enjoy and plan on attending while we're here.  Those, along with the house, were are major prayers and they have been answered indeed! We feel truly blessed and thankful for all that God has provided for us here in Scotland.  It is true that if you step out in faith and follow his will he will be faithful and bless you.  Thank you again for all of your prayers. 

We're still hoping to get internet this week and then we'll update our blog much more regularly!



Michelle said...

Hurray!! That's wonderful news! We pray that everything goes well with the end of the house-selling process. And so glad that Deacon has a place to go to the potty. ;)

Nat said...

YEAH! Praise the Lord that is awsome!