A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ode to the boxer

Today we had the good fortune of getting to play with a baby boxer.  As is blatantly obvious from our blog- Kyle & I love boxers (especially our own, but not exclusively).  For those of you who are "non-dog people", boxers can seem (and rightfully so) rambunctious, hyper and overly friendly. However, for those of us who are "dog-people" boxers are one of the sweetest breeds of dogs. They are friendly, loyal, love to cuddle and are the type of dog that makes you feel like royalty or at least like a celebrity being followed by the paparazzi (because they follow you everywhere you go like what you're doing is obviously the most important thing in the world- which to them it is...it's quite an ego booster).  Needless to say, Kyle & I were very excited to get to see this little baby boxer today!

  The owner called this her "party collar".

On an unrelated boxer note- I would like to point out that for some unknown reason (at least to me)- God has decided to punish the South.  It is sunny, in the upper-90's and humid- everyday! There is no relief and Seattle has made me soft.  I am feeling perpetually exhausted and cranky due to this weather. I am actually dreaming of cloudy days! That is some irony for ya!


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh my, such a cutie!!