A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Monday, July 7, 2008

A night out in Richmond

Kyle and I got some time to ourselves this weekend and we spent it reliving a couple of our favorite Richmond memories.  First, we went to one of my favorite places in Richmond, Hollywood Cemetery. This cemetery is famous for housing the graves of Presidents James Monroe and John Tyler, as well as Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Confederate General Pickett.
This is a view of the James River from the cemetery.

You can take a look at the rest of our photos on our web gallery.

We also got to spend the night in the historic Jefferson Hotel.  The Jefferson is where my brother and sister-in-law work and it's also where we held our wedding reception.  It was great to revisit the memories of our wedding reception!

The Jefferson Hotel

What a great weekend of relaxation and strolling down memory lane!



I'm Jennifer said...

ahh Richmond, I love you and miss you! we'll be back for a visit in a week! can't wait! you guy's should come to Franklin Street Community one Sunday at 4:00, it's the church plant Stony Point started downtown on VCU's campus. lemme know if you want details, where it is, etc. we'll be there with our Scottish friends coming with us from here on july 27th.

Michelle said...

Yeah Richmond! Love the cemetary pictures, I can't believe we never made it there. Hope you're having a good visit.