The plan is to hang out with my family for a few days and then we'll jet-set to the good 'ol Commonwealth of Virginia on Wednesday. You know the protocol; no blog post is complete without a couple pics. Here's are a few shots of moving day:

Our journey across the pond...
Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.
Here's a stream we came across on the way.
If you look really close you can see Mt. Rainier in the clouds.
After we hike about 3 miles we ran into some heavy snow and were forced to turn around. I am not exaggerating when I say the snow was probably piled about 8 feet tall and was completely impassable. I guess I'm not a true Northwester yet because I am still always amazed at so much snow in June. It was the first day of summer, but I forget this is not Virginia or Texas! Did I mention this is only 20 miles from our house! Mother nature is a crazy thing for sure!
Deacon & Merecedes love to lick the snow, so they were pretty excited about the road block!
Here's Kyle & Me at the top overlooking the Cascade Mountains.
The hike was a nice way to say goodbye to Seattle. And true to form- it started raining on the way down.
If you ask me, those two dishes are enough to make me NOT want to move to Scotland. Although, everything I read about them said they are very tasty (at least the Haggis- I feel like any dish made out of animal blood should be illegal and certainly unhealthy). However, there are some things that I found that look quite yummy!
Here are the most appealing:
Fish & Chips (served with 'mushy peas')- I think we all know what this is. Mushy peas however is a different story. These are dried peas that are soaked overnight in water and bicarbonate soda and then simmered with sugar and salt until they form a thick green lumpy soup. This may sound nasty to you, but I am one of those people who like my vegetable cooked so long that they melt in your mouth- so I am fairly excited to try these peas!
The green stuff in the ramekin is the mushy peas
Scotch Eggs- this is a cold hard-boiled egg removed from the shell, wrapped in a sausage mixture, coated in bread crumbs and deep-fried.
Scotch Eggs
Deep-Fried Mars Bars- Kyle & I actually had this when we were in Scotland. They are very yummy, but filthy all at the same time. Similar to eating a deep-fried oreo or twinkie (not that I would do that...)
Bangers and Mash
Hopefully this post has not deterred you in wanting to visit us in Scotland! Also, I'd like to give the disclaimer that I have only partaken in the deep-fried mars bar so all of my opinions and facts are not based in knowledge or experience. I will be certain to update you and disclaim any statements that I have made once (and if) I try these things for myself.
Deacon & Mercedes were on the lookout for any new party guests!
The party was full of cute little babies too! Our good friends Natalie & Justin brought their little boy Blake- he's such a doll.
Here's Kyle's sister Heather enjoying some Blake time:
Here's our new living room...
This past week Stacie and I boarded the Star Princess en route to Alaska. We saw some amazing scenery throughout the trip and got to explore the Yukon Territory. We also spent time in Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway and Victoria B.C.
I'd like to say we exercised self control regarding the all you can eat 24/7 food on board...let's just say we'll be on a diet for a few weeks! I've uploaded a couple pictures to give you a taste of the experience. If you want to see them all e-mail me or Stacie and we'll send a link to the web album.