A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A little work, a lot of sunshine!

As promised, we're posting some pics of our moving prep weekend! We both got up early on Saturday to get to work. Kyle spent his time waxing our Jetta "Stuie" to get ready to sell him and I packed up more boxes to give our house the illusion of more space.

Here's some pics of how Deacon & Mercedes assisted all our hard work...

He's such a hard worker! It must have rubbed off on his sister....

They're just not used to the sunshine I think. It sucked up all their energy, fine by us!

Here's some of our packing in progress, it's starting to look so empty...

After our cleaning and packing we spent some time enjoying the very rare sunshine. Our friends Dan & Jodi just bought a boat and took us for a ride on Lake Washington. We spent most of the afternoon gawking at houses and yachts. Here's a picture of Paul Allen's houses ( for those non-Seattlelites, Paul Allen was the co-founder of Microsoft) and ferry with accompanying helipad, what house would be complete with out one?

It was so beautiful you could even see the ever elusive Mt. Rainier! Why do I hate Seattle? Because it rains for months and months and months and then you get a day of this....

Another great weekend for the Sale family, thanks for checking in!

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