A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

B-School Ramblings

Upon returning from our Easter holiday the MBA program entered a new phase of week long intensive classes. Until now we spent our time juggling multiple courses per week and their requisite projects, reading and case studies. The great thing about the intensive classes is the opportunity to really dig deep on a specific topic. In the earlier semesters it was not uncommon to become spread really thin as you try to handle all the material and demands of the course.

Since starting the MBA, I've discovered that I really enjoy the strategy aspect of managing a company so I chose both corporate and global strategy as two of my intensive courses (mergers & acquisitions next week). Both classes relied heavily on case studies of industry leaders that required us to analyze the strategic issues facing a firm and leverage our understanding of strategic frameworks, financial analysis, etc. I may sound a bit nerdy trumpeting these case studies but it's interesting to see how a couple of stilt walkers from Canada redefined the circus (disruptive strategy) and now sit on a multi-million dollar empire known a Cirque du Soleil. Or why was the Daimler-Chrysler merger akin to Britney and K-Fed's relationship while Peugot-Nissan appear to be living happily ever after?

Stacie can probably give you an ear full about how intensive these week long courses are since I didn't really see her last week but I've only got one more to go so we just have through. I don't want to even think about the grown 'honey-do' debt I'm accumulating as I shirk all domestic responsibility while studying!


1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm glad you're enjoying your classes this spring Kyle! I know Stacie and Deacon will be glad when you're done! :)