A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our family Christmas

Here is a bit of a photo montage of my family's visit to Edinburgh for Christmas: 

Whiskey Shop on the Royal Mile

Inside the Great Hall in the Castle

Our traditional Christmas Eve nachos

View from Holyrood Park

Stacie's dad at the top of Arthur's Seat

Dinner at the Witchery

Kyle, Justin & Me in front of the Dome

Stacie's parents at the top of the Castle

Armour inside the Castle

Chapel inside the Edinburgh Castle

Kyle, Justin & Me in front of the Castle

Kyle & Me with a Piper

Justin with all of his Hearts Football Club gear

The family (minus our photographer- Stacie's mom)

As you can see, we had a wonderful and very eventful trip with my family. The plan was for my parents and brother Justin to fly off to Paris on Saturday morning.  However, on Friday morning my mother woke up with her leg swollen to twice it's normal size.  After spending most of the day in the Royal Infirmary, we learned that she had three blood clots in her left leg and was unable to fly.  After much debating, my father and brother decided to continue on to Paris without her and have left her here in our care.  Hopefully she'll be able to go home soon- it just depends on how quickly her blood thins.  

On a more positive note, Kyle's mother Sally arrived safely this afternoon from Spokane. She is spending the week with us here, so we'll keep you updated with some great New Year's photos. 


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