A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's good to be cool!

When we first came to the UK Stacie and I didn't know how we'd be received as Americans.  The predominant stereotype was that Europeans were anti-American and it would be best for us to downplay our national affiliation.  From the first week we got here that perception has been challenged.  In my MBA cohort I have classmates from all over Europe, Africa, Asia, North & South America and it's been interesting to see how positive a view they have of the States. 

This sentiment was on full display this week as Europe has been abuzz with the U.S. elections.  When I walked into class on Wednesday morning I was greeted by a Nigerian singing 'God Bless America'!  Stacie was greeted by a coworker sporting a US flag tie.  It's been both fun and eye opening to see your own country via a different reference point.  I've always been proud to be an American but it's been fun the past week to be a part of a global American hug.


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