A bit about us...

Kyle's studying for his MBA at the University of Edinburgh through August 2009. This is our life and adventures in Edinburgh.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Three hundred and sixty one...

...that is how many days it has been since we arrived in Edinburgh on our European adventure. Now, it seems like a blink of an eye and it is over. Kyle has finished his MBA and we are leaving one adventure for the next- a job. No job yet, but that's why it's called an adventure!

We feel so blessed to have been able to live in the UK and see all the amazing things we have gotten to see while we've been here. It changes you to experience a different culture this way and I think we will both return with a new / greater perspective on life.

Tonight we're headed to see the 'Edinburgh Military Tattoo'. A performance held at the castle featuring military bands from all over the world, with over 200 pipers. It is supposed to be phenomenal. We'll post more about it from Virginia.

Bon Voyage,
Stacie & Kyle

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fringe Festival

Every August Edinburgh hosts one of the largest arts festivals in the world. There are hundreds of shows you can go to varying from comedians, musicians, acrobatics, dance- the list goes on. Kyle & I have gone to a few shows and enjoyed all the free street performers as well. Here are a few photos from around town:

Speed Dating

Spooky Street Performer

Crowd Enjoying Acrobatics

'Lord Livingstone' - Classic

Street (or offroad) Musician


The city is teaming with people promoting venues and shows which means it is impossible to walk 10 feet without having a flyer shoved into your hand. It's a fun and festive atmosphere and we've enjoyed taking it in during our last week here in Edinburgh.

-Stacie & Kyle

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Homeward Bound

It's hard to believe that our adventure in Scotland is coming to an end soon. It feels like just yesterday that we stepped of the plane and started our new life here in Edinburgh. It has been an exciting, fun and challenging year to say the least. Kyle & I are both feeling rather bittersweet about having to say goodbye to Edinburgh, but we are looking forward to going back home and being much closer to friends and family.

One week from today we will close the door to our flat for the last time and board our flight back home. Our first stop is Virginia to spend some much needed time with my family. I haven't seen my brother or grandparents in over a year and am really looking forward to being able to see them again! After labor day, we are then headed to Seattle. We'll most likely be in Seattle for a few days while Kyle does some interviewing and then the plan is to head to Spokane where will stay indefinitely until Kyle finds a job.

The prospect of going home without a job, is a little daunting. But currently there are quite a few irons in the fire and we both feel very encouraged that the Lord will provide. Needless to say, it is still exciting times in the Sale household! Even though it won't be 'Sales in Scotland' for much longer- we plan to keep the blog going until all is settled and Kyle has a job.


Sunday, August 16, 2009


Every August, Edinburgh hosts what is known as the 'Edinburgh Festival'. The festival holds the world record for the largest arts festival and dates back to 1947 when it was established as a post-war effort to boost moral. There are countless events that you can attend including opera, orchestra, musical theatre, comedians, magicians, open-air markets, street performers and anything else you can thing of really! We saw a pretty funny exhibition of signs collected from around the world. Each sign has a funny caption (not written by us, fyi) and a note of where it was spotted. We got such a kick out of them we thought we'd post them for you to enjoy as well.

"Just add a little water and those Bay area pedestrians start slipping right out of your hands."
San Francisco, USA

"We know a street when we see one."
Wisconsin, USA

"What happened to equal opportunity pain inflictors?"
Warwick Castle, England

"Interesting...Cassowary birds are a better speeding deterrent than police."
Queensland, Austrailia

"Nature is calling."
Maine, USA

"Keep your hands away from the cages. You may be clawed, bitten or covered in drool."
Isle of Eriska, Scotland

"There's something over there, but we're not sure what it is."
Zemah, Israel

"Well, at least you know where it is now."
Batalaha, Portugal

"Sadly, the irony is lost on the bears."

"Well, the parishioners have been duly warned."
Vermont, USA

"Messiah Crossing?"
Ireland, UK

"Without this sign, you'd never know that you need to increase your speed to clear the rocks below."
Chiayi County, Taiwan

"How many unattended relatives, you suppose, rolled to their tragic fate before local officials were prompted to put up this sign?"
St. Lucia, South Africa

"Police are cracking down on either swearing or flagrant punctuation abuse."
Virginia, USA

"Warning: spectacular accidents ahead."
Mertola, Portugal

"Translating is clearly prohibited at the Karlstejn Castle. Or as the sign says in Czech just above the English, "Translating Prohibited"."
Prague, Czech Republic

"Better fasten your seatbelt."
Wellington, New Zealand

"Only authorized unauthorized visits."
Utah, USA

"Have you ever wondered what you'd get if you combined a flea market and a funeral parlor?"
Georgia, USA

"Left lane for mid-life crisis; Right lane for abandoning New Year's Resolutions."
London, England

"Here's an interesting reflection on Western Society: we even having parking spots for people who have just made a conscious decision not to park."
Wisconsin, USA

"Executives battle over animal feeding."
Johannesburg Zoo, South Africa

"Fallen pedestrians will be fined."
Forbidden City, Beijing, China

"Tastier than caged children."
Scotland, UK

"Here at the Optimist Club, people see the Cape half full."
North Carolina, USA

"They don't call it a safety ladder for nothing. Or, on second thought, perhaps they do."
Alaska, USA

"Your vehicle will rise up and get an oil change. All traffic violations will be forgiven."
Wisconsin, USA

"Sometimes it might be easy to forget that people are just as baffled by our toilets as we are by theirs. I have yet to see a sign in a squat toilet instructing people not to sit directly on the hole in the floor though."
Ankor Wat, Cambodia

Hope that made you laugh, it sure did us! We'll be posting more of the stuff we see over the next two weeks. Post a comment and have a vote on your favorite one. I like the translated sign of 'Translating Prohibited' and Kyle most enjoyed 'Optimist Club of Cape Fear'.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Coastal Vacation

This past week Stacie and I headed back to the States to visit my family on the Oregon Coast. We flew into Seattle on Friday afternoon and got to see our good friends Dan & Jodi as well as catch-up with our old Bible study crew on Saturday morning. From Seattle we drove the Pacific Coast Highway (101) down to Rockaway Beach Oregon!

The appeal of the Oregon Coast is the natural beauty and small towns that dot Highway 101. The weather is usually mild and the Pacific Ocean is COLD! The caramel corn however, is alway just right and Stacie knows just where to find her caramel apples.

Seaside Beach scenery

One of our favorite stops is Seaside Beach. The main attraction is Stacie's afore mentioned caramel apples but the real crowd pleaser is an old time bumper car extravaganza! The whole family enjoys trying to inflict neck and back injuries on anyone who dares enter the arena.

Pure Bumper Bliss!

It's hard to tell from the picture but my sister is seven months pregnant. You leave the country for a year and a lot changes!

Brandon, Heather and Us

Here's a shot of Oregon's natural beauty. This tree is located in Cape Meares, which is named after British explored John Meares.

Octopus Tree

Here's me and my mom enjoying the Cape Meares Park scenery.

Me & Mom

One day we ventured down to the Tillamook to partake in the county fair. If Tillamook sounds oddly familiar it might be because you've enjoyed Tillamook Dairy ice cream or cheese (and if not, you really should). We bet a few dollars on the horse races but came out a loser, actually it was a photo finish but that didn't stop them from keeping our cash.

As we've commented before I have an affinity for VW's and the Tillamook Dairy was rolling modified VW Busses, aptly named the 'Mini Loafs'. It's hard to see in the picture but they are about the size of a Mini Cooper. Needless to say I thought they were blog-worthy.

Mini Loaf gets big props

Deacon racked-up the frequent flyer miles on this Edinburgh MBA adventure but we're happy to say he's safely home. I think he enjoyed the beach more than anyone. He'd play in the sand and water until he was limping (not exaggerating) then cry to go out again when we put him in the beach house.

Deacon enjoying American soil...well, sand

We had to get back to Seattle to catch our flight home and we were happy to stay with our friends the Dobbins. Their son Blake is cute enough that Stacie and I have contemplated 'baby snatching' him on more than one occasion. Blake demonstrated how a Gordito's Burrito should be eaten!

Open mouth, shovel, repeat

Overall the trip was an amazing success! We arrived in Edinburgh yesterday morning and lasted until about 5:00 pm before succumbing to jet lag. Not to worry, we were sound asleep when the alarm went-off 13 hours later at 6:00 am!

We will be in Scotland through the end of the month then we're off to visit Stacie's family in Virginia and move home. Time does really fly.
